Don Toirac Cigars brand is a premium cigars company
When you light a Don Toirac Cigar you set aglow the richest tradition of cigar making in the world.
Smoke our cigar become an art.
Don Antonio Toirac (1912-2006)
Patriarch of the family Toirac
The cigar brand Don Toirac was born in honor of my father, Don Antonio;
from the first tobacco plantations in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, by my grandfather Mr. Jose Toirac and my father, because of the war of independence of Cuba where operations are suspended.
my father arrives at a baracoa in the years 1927 with his passion and just 15 years old his first plantations, It was commercialized with two or three companies of renown and prestige in the elaboration of cigar in CUBA.
Years later, my father visits the Dominican Republic, where I had the happiness of being the youngest son and always learning from my father, who was more than father and son, very good friends, enjoying a good drink and good smoking. the idea of creating our Don Toirac.
When you light a Don Toirac Cigar you set aglow the richest tradition of cigar making in the world.
"Smoke our cigar become an art."